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Digital Nomad Visas: How to Work Remotely while Roaming Around Brazil

If you work out of your home but dream of exploring the world, or temporarily residing in a foreign country while enjoying the flexible lifestyle your work affords you, a Brazilian ‘Digital Nomad’ visa may be just what you’re looking for!

In today’s professional environment, categorized by a worldwide technological revolution – what we’ve come to designate as ‘Industry 4.0’ – the emergence of tools such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, the Internet of Things, Machine Learning, and Cloud Computing has proven instrumental in enhancing and maximizing corporate interests – including their profits. Although some people fear that these advanced technologies will eventually replace jobs completely, they have so far proven incredibly useful in facilitating and optimizing productivity in a wide variety of fields, as well as in creating entirely new professions.

While the term ‘Industry 4.0’ was first introduced by Professor Klaus Schwab during the World Economic Forum back in 2010, the demand for these new technologies has recently seen a significant increase in concurrence with the COVID-19 pandemic.

During this challenging period, the emerging need to provide products and services remotely forced people and companies to adapt. Because of this, wholly digital professions emerged, carried out entirely from an office in the comforts of employees’ own homes, while at the same time many traditional professions were forced to convert into either digital work or a hybrid between the two forms. It was in this context that digital nomads began to emerge – professionals working exclusively online who take advantage of their mobility to explore the world or take up residence in foreign countries.

What Exactly is the Brazilian ‘Digital Nomad’ Visa?

To accommodate this new lifestyle, on September 9th, 2021, Brazil established a new temporary visa for “digital nomads” – foreigners whose employment is unconnected to Brazil, but whose professional activity is carried out remotely. Foreigners who wish to go to Brazil while continuing to work remotely and can provide proof of their external employment are now eligible for this type of visa.

To apply for this visa, individuals must submit a completed visa application form, travel documentation (such as airfare), a valid travel document (such as a passport), proof of traveler’s health insurance (or a national health insurance valid within Brazil), a certified criminal record issued by the country of origin, a receipt for the payment of consular fees, and finally, documentation to sufficiently confirm the qualification as a digital nomad, satisfying the conditions for visa eligibility.

To substantiate this final point, foreigners need to establish that their livelihood is supported abroad and demonstrate earnings from a foreign source of income – a monthly amount which must be equal to or exceed $1,500.00 USD (one-thousand and five-hundred dollars), or alternatively demonstrate a bank account balance of no less than $18,000.00 USD (eighteen thousand dollars).

Once in Brazil, foreigners can apply for a residency permit with the Brazilian Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP). The initial visa duration allows for a stay of 1 (one) year, though it is eligible for a renewal of a 2nd year.

Brazil needs little introduction – it’s a country renowned for its natural beauty, rich culture, and an incredibly friendly and hospitable people. If the type of opportunity discussed here appeals to you, and you’re interested in knowing more about how you can take advantage of your digital profession and put your mobility to use, contact us at to obtain immigration consulting catered to your personal needs.

Of course, if you think you know someone else who might likewise meet the criteria of a digital nomad, don’t let them miss out on this opportunity! Give them a heads up!


Maiara Dias is multilingual attorney holding a Master’s degree in law, with a specialty in both international and immigration law; member of the Bahian International Law Commission (CDIB) as well as legal consultant in immigration law. Currently transitioning to a career practicing law within the United States.

Extensive experience representing clients in international divorce and child custody, international child abduction, multinational contracts, citizenship appeals, extradition, transnational divorce, visa acquisition support, and general legal consultancy. In 2022, Maiara obtained her Master’s degree from Stetson School of Law, where she specialized in International Law.

Since beginning her (still ongoing) career transition to the United States, Maiara has had the opportunity to work with several different firms, and has gained ample experience processing petitions for humanitarian visas – including VAWAs, T VISAs, U VISAs, and asylum petitions. She has directly facilitated over one hundred political asylum cases in the United States alone, along with a variety of RFEs and other nuanced cases involving immigration status adjustments.

In addition to the above, Maiara collaborates with several international NGOs both advocating for and actively offering protection to international victims of human trafficking and domestic violence. She has likewise made significant contributions to the field of International Law through several publications.

Passionate about her areas of expertise as well as life in general, this career-driven Brazilian attorney devotes her spare time to supporting nascent attorneys likewise transitioning their careers to the United States, as well as to training those in Brazil starting out in the field of international law.

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